Special Issue: Controversies in Clinical Medicine
(Volume 6, No. 3, Fall 2001)

Feature Articles

Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis?
by Harold E. Buttram, MD

Medicaid and Health Care Reform (Part II)
by Kyle McCammon, DO

Adverse Outcomes Association with Post-partum Rubella or MMR Vaccine
by F. Edward Yazbak, MD and Kathy L. Lang-Radosh, MS

The Past, Present and Future of Aging by Conrad F. Meier
The Politics of Compromise: The Republican Prescription for Health Care by Richard G. Parker, MD

We the Jury... by Doug Fiedor
Pain Control or State Control? by Miguel A. Faria, Jr., MD

Correspondence: AMA Representatives and CPT Code Books, The AMA and Gun Control

News Capsules: Lawsuit Filed Against HHS and Medical Privacy Rule, Proposed International Treaty Threatens Internet, Patients' Bill of Rights Passes Both Houses of Congress, TennCare, Doctors as Agents of the State, World Freedom Index, Reporting on Relative Risk, Florida, Pfizer and Medicaid, Regulatory Takings Still on the Rise, Safety Concerns Over Lyme Vaccine, AIDS in Southern Black Women, Socialized Medicine in Norway, July 6, 2001---Cose of Government Day, Waste, Fraud and Abuse, Medical Liability Rising in England, More Guns, Less Crime.

President's Page
Physicians Fire Back---At Last! by Robert J. Cihak, MD

Guest Editorial
Vaccines and Epidemics by Jane M. Orient, MD

The Constitution - Plain and Simple
Religion, Politics, and the Constitution (Part II) by Curtis W. Caine, MD

Book Reviews
The Strange Death of Vincent Foster
by Christopher Ruddy. Reviewed by Jane M. Orient, MD



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