Volume 2, No. 1, Winter 1997

Feature Articles:

Re-privatizing Medicine in Canada - By the Back Door by William E. Goodman, MD

Practice Guidelines and Outcomes Research (Part III): Scientific Results by Jane M. Orient, MD

Medical Device Regulation: U.S. vs. Europe, Canada, and Japan by Robert Higgs, PhD

Preliminary Observations on Kassebaum-Kennedy by Robert E. Moffitt, PhD

Standing by Managed Care Inefficiency? by Lawrence R. Huntoon, MD, PhD

Medicine and the Law
Defensive Medicine: Protecting Against the False Claims Act by Andrew L. Schlafly, Esq.

Correspondence: History of Medicine, Useful Idiots of Medicine, Lessons from the Raintree, To the Tune of Washington's Pied Pipers, The Managed Care Malignancy, Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia.

News Capsules: No Escape, Corporate Medicine, Harbinger of Things to Come, Patient Confidentiality, Canadian Medicine, FDA Strikes Again, etc.

President's Page
Why We Need the AAPS - Now More Than Ever by Don W. Printz, MD

Editor's Corner
Why the Decline in American Education (and Morals) by Miguel A. Faria, Jr., MD

The Constitution - Plain and Simple
The Seventeenth Amendment by Curtis W. Caine, MD

Report from the States
California AAPS Passes MSA Bill by Mark Schiller, MD
MSAs - What's Good for Idaho Is Good for America by Vernon L. Goltry, MD

Student Reflections
Letter to a Medical Student by Jacob Green, MD, PhD

Book Review
Hazardous To Our Health? FDA Regulation of Health Care Products. Reviewed by Jerome C. Arnett, Jr., MD, FCCP


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