Volume 1, No. 2, Summer 1996

Feature Articles:

The Myth of Moral Neutrality - Medicine is a Moral Activity: But Whose Morals Rule? by John Patrick, MB, MRCP, MD (Lond, UK)

Running For Cover - The Herd Instinct Among Physicians by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

Medical Practice Today: How Did We Get Here? (Part I) by John R. Hilsabeck, MD, FACS


A Lesson From the Raintree by Michael L. Nahrwold, MD

Meningitis and Manage Care by Lawrence R. Huntoon, MD, PhD

Science and Statistics
Microorganisms, Molecules, and the Environments Risk Inverter: Assumptions and Outcomes by Jane M. Orient, MD

Correspondence: Kudos to the Medical Sentinel, A Battle of Ideas, A Pied Piper's Crusade on Washington, Physician Acquiescence, AAPS v. Clinton Update.

News Capsules: Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia, Antitrust Booby Traps, More Perilous Waters Phsyician Networks and Antitrust, Meanwhile in Minnesota...,"It's Great to be the King," Medical Graduates Without Jobs, Primary Care (Gatekeepers) Medical Liability, AMA's Flickering Light.

President's Page
We Need MSAs Now! by Don W. Printz, MD

Editor's Corner
On Ethics, Guidelines, and Medical Progress by Miguel A. Faria, Jr., MD

The Constitution - Plain and Simple
Why the Declaration was Written and the Constitution Adopted by Curtis W. Caine, MD

Report from the States
Socialized Medicine by the Back Door: School-Based Clinics in Arizona by Joseph M. Scherzer, MD
California - Fighting for MSAs by Mark Schiller, MD
Oregon Initiative - Patient Protection Act of 1996 by Thomas W. Mann

Student Reflections
The Calvalry Is Coming! The Calvalry Is Coming! by Connie Nickelson, MD

Book Review
Why Government Doesn't Work. Reviewed by Dexter W. Blome, MD, PhD
The Serpent on the Staff: The Unhealthy Politics of the American Medical Association. Reviewed by Jerome C. Arnett, Jr., MD, FCCP


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