Medical Sentinel Index
Volume 4 (1999)



Abortion, 114, 224
Aetna, 84
AIDS, 97-98, 107, 172-177, 191, 199
Air Bags, 84 (hearing loss)
Alcohol consumption, 200
Alexander, Leo, 93, 209-210
Amendment. See Constitution
America (a Republic or a Democracy), 3, 145, 147
American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), 1
American Academy of Neurologists (AAN), 227
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 60-61
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP),122
American College of Physicians (ACP), 60-61
American Medical Accreditation Program (AMAP), 11-48-49, 158, 202
American Medical Association (AMA),11, 13, 15-16, 49-50, 60-61, 80, 94-98, 154-156, 161, 163-164, 199, 201, 209
American Medical News, 5, 12, 14, 49, 201, 206
American Psychiatric Association (APA). 199
American Psychological Association (APA). 199
American Revolution, 52-55, 63-64
American Sentinel, 9, 179-180
American Society of Dermatology (ASD), 157
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), 48
Anderson, E. Radcliffe, 94-95
Angell, Marcia, 203, 226-227
Annals of Internal Medicine (AIM), 199
Annis, Edward R., 64
Anthrax, 163
Antitrust, 140
Aquinas, Thomas, 125
Arkansas (State of), 55
Arnett, Jerome C., Jr., 113, 182-183, 208-209
Aspartame. See Food Additives
Asset forfeiture, 56-57
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), 1-2, 7, 12, 33, 41-42, 51, 77, 93-94, 98, 119, 124, 154, 158, 164, 207
Authoritarianism, 55. See also Socialism.



Balanced Budget Act (1997), 68-69, 91-92, 150, 220-221
Banking, 86, 159
Barr, Bob, 18-19, 90, 158, 204
Bastiat, Frederic, 126, 178
Behavior modification, 148
Berenson, Robert, 5, 50
Blackburn, Roy, 195
Blackstone, William, 42
Blaylock, Russell L., 42-43, 140, 185, 212-215
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, 6, 13
Blevins, Sue A., 82, 121
Blood (tainted), 82, 121
Boundary violations, 60-61
Bovard, James, 1, 6, 56-57, 87
Brain, 45. See also Degenerative Brain Disorder
Brase, Twila, 113, 160, 196
Breast cancer. See Carcer
British Medical Journal, 9
Borelli, Nelson, 42, 118, 195
Browne, Harry, 110, 182-183
Bur. of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), 84



Caine, Curtis W., 36-37, 63-64, 80, 112, 145, 147, 225
California Medical Association (CMA), 5
Camardese, Nino M., 43, 155, 157
Canadian (health care), 3, 53, 121-123, 203
Cancer, 83 (National Cancer Institute), 168, 200 (statistics), 203
Capitalism, 45, 144, 218
Cato Institute, 7
Censorship, 9. See also Medical Journalism
Census, 3, 6, 9, 80, 184
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 3-4, 60-61, 82, 100-102, 106-108, 160, 202
Chemical emissions, 200
Children, 160 (abuse), 180-181 (and guns)
Chronic illnesses (includes fatigue), 172-175, 191
Cicero, 125-126
Cihak, Robert, 146, 203
Clinical pathways, 88, 206
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 19
Clinton, William Jefferson, 19-20, 28, 30, 44-45
Cloning, 141-142, 222
Cloning of the American Mind (Eakman), 148
Coke, Sir Edward, 52
Compass (Scott), 87
Concealed carry legislation, 46, 159
Conflict of interest, 193-194
Congress, 43-44, 63, 145, 167, 204, 206
Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 7, 104
Conspiracy, 145, 147, 184-185, 203
Consolazio, Paul, 111
Constitution, 18-20, 28-30, 36-37, 63-64, 112, 145, 147, 177-178, 184-185, 199, 204, 207
Copeland, Lois, 150, 197-198
Cost containment, 93
Cost effective, 26, 195
Cranberg, Lawrence, 223
Crime, 46, 53-54
Criminalization of medicine, 90. See also Fraud.
Cuba, 53
Culture, 14 (of death), 199
Current Procedure Terminology (CPT), 49, 89, 119, 161, 179-180



Databases (collection), 119-120, 186, 193-195, 201
Declaration of Independence, 125, 147
Deductible (insurance), 58-59
Degenerative brain disorder, 212-215
Delay, Tom, 199
DeParle, Nancy Ann Min, 85, 91-92
Dermatology, 73-74
Diagnostic Related Groups (DRG), 88
Diarrhea, 164
Dickey, Nancy, 94-95
Distributive ethic, 177-178
DNA, 141-142, 222
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP), 82, 158
Doctors for Integrity in Policy Research (DIPR), 6
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO), 6
Dorman, Thomas, 21-23, 128-131, 167-171
Dunaway, M. Tray, 179-180
Dunegan, Lawrence, 81
Duty to die, 208-210, 226-228
Dysfunctional family, 24-27, 81



Economic profile, 50
Eddie Eagle. See Gun Safety
Education, 136-137, 148
EEG, 118
Elder, Jocelyn, 44
Employee Ret. Income Security Act (ERISA), 7, 144
England, 52-55
Entitlements, 29. See also Welfare
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 3-4
Envy, 128-130
Epidemics, 82
Ethics. See Medical Ethics
Euthanasia (assisted suicide), 38-39, 113 (end-of-life care), 114, 132-135, 195, 208-210, 224
Evaluation and Management (E&M) Guidelines, 5, 11, 43, 47, 49, 84, 161, 179-180
Excitotoxins. See Food Additives



Faria, Miguel A., Jr., 1, 7, 10, 18-20, 41, 87, 94-99, 122, 156, 177, 188-189, 196-197, 203, 208-210
Fatherhood, 199
Fed. Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP), 58-59
Federalism, 204
Federalist Papers, 18-19, 28-29
Federal Register, 138-139
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 62
Ferrara, Peter, 219-220
Fibromyalgia, 172-175, 191
Fiedor, Doug, 180-181
Fingerprinting (of physicians), 201
Fishbein, Morris, 94
Flexner's legacy, 156
Food Additives (Excitotoxins), 212-215
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 121, 161, 167, 213, 229
Forced Exit (Smith), 226-228
Foundations, 10 (Wormser), 136-137
Founding Fathers, 18-20, 28-30, 112, 184-185, 204
"Four Points of the Compass" (Vazsonyi), 28-29
Fraser Institute, 123
Fraud and abuse, 5, 13, 15, 17, 45, 47, 83, 87, 90-91, 138-139, 196 and 201 (Fraud Bank)
Freedom in Chains (Bovard), 87
Freedom of Information (FOI), 193-195
Fumento, Michael, 95
Futility of care. See Duty to Die
The Future and Its Enemies (Postrel), 229



Gardella, John, 132-135
George III (King of England), 66
Georgia (State of), 6
Gervais, Robert, 34, 136-137, 143
Global warming, 86
Glutamate. See Food Additives
Goldsmith, P. Gardner, 141-142, 222
Goltry, Vernon L., 7
Government, 11-12, 47-48, 56-57, 83, 110, 120-123, 140, 145, 204, 206
Gramsci, Antonio, 199, 205
Guerra, José, 41, 65-66
Guidelines (moral), 208-210, 224
Gulf War Syndrome, 163-164, 172-175, 191
Gun control, 45 (accidents), 52-55, 60-61, 78-79, 86, 97-98, 121,197, 203
Gun Owners of America (GOA), 46
Gun poll, 6, 159
Gun safety, 6, 45-46, 60-61, 159



Hamilton, Alexander, 19, 112, 124, 126, 184
Handgun Control, Inc., 60-61, 86
Hardwick, John, 208-209, 227
Hastings Center, 209, 227
Hayek, F.A., 24, 144
Health and Human Services (Dept.), 47, 82, 150, 196, 203
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), 14, 47, 49, 67, 85, 91-92, 138-139, 179-180, 206, 220-221
Health care policy, 103-105, 125-127, 144, 157, 216-217, 19-211
Health insurance. See Medical Insurance
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), 1, 9 (CEO salaries), 12-13, 16, 47, 50, 113, 140, 206, 218
Health Marts, 219
Henry, Patrick, 147
Hepatitis, 82-83, 106-107, 162, 168
High Crimes and Misdemeanors, 18-20, 44
"Hired guns," 117, 195
Hoff, John, 150, 197-198, 220-221
Holder, Eric, 90-91
Home health care, 16
Human Events, 20,204
Huntoon, Lawrence R., 10, 16, 38-39, 92, 118, 123, 138-139, 177-178, 187, 206, 226-227
Hura, Donald, 154
Huxley, Aldous, 222
Hyatt, Michael, 10



Immortality, 223
Immunization. See Vaccines
Impeachment, 18-20
Independent Medical Examination (IME), 117, 195
Indigent, 125. See also Uninsured
Inspector General (IG), 5, 47
Internet, 9, 109-110, 182-183
Isomorphism, 25



Japan, 45
Jefferson, Thomas, 17, 20, 29, 110, 127, 143, 147, 181
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 78-79, 94-97
Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia (JMAG), 94
Judicial (interference), 68-69, 118, 145, 204
Justice, 29 (social), 207,



Kaiser Permanente, 162
Kassebaum-Kennedy Bill (Law; Health Security and Portability Act of 1996), 5, 12, 103-105, 217
Kassirer, Jerome, 97, 203
Kates, Don B., 54
Katz, Stephen, 67
Kellermann, Arthur, 61
Kevorkian, Jack, 120
Kimber, Robert, 80
Kleck, Gary, 6, 54, 121, 194
Koop, C. Everett, 97
Kopel, David, 54
Krumlik, Jerry, 197



Lamberth, Royce, 83
Lewinsky, Monica, 20
Liberty (freedom), 43, 51, 124, 207
Locke, John, 29, 125, 139
Loftman, Bert, 41, 229
London Sunday Times, 53
Long, Howard, 2
Lost Rights (Bovard), 57
Lott, John R., 54, 78
Louisiana (State of), 200
Lundbert, George, 94-99



Madison, James, 19, 24, 29, 126
Malpractice (medical), 7, 51
Managed care, 6, 21-23, 33-35, 38-39, 62, 144, 206, 229
Market incentives, 128-130
Massachusetts (State of), 203
Matthews, Merrill, Jr., 16, 58-59
McCormack, Leah, 1
McManus, John, 87
McQueeney, Robert, 42
Medicaid, 15, 62, 218
Medical care, 17, 24-27, 62, 125-127, 206-207
Medical education, 161, 165, 207
Medical ethics, 12, 33-35, 38-39, 49, 114, 125-127,166, 182-183, 208-210, 226-228
Medical insurance, 15, 21, 27, 58-59, 216-217
Medical journalism, 94-98, 193-197, 203
Medical licensing, 60-61, 201
Medical privacy, 12, 41, 90, 123, 128-130, 169-171, 186
Medical rationing, 226-227
Medical research, 82-83, 141-142, 160, 193-195, 203, 223
Medical Savings Accounts (MSA), 8-9, 58-59, 119,127, 145, 157, 178, 218
Medical Sentinel, 41-42, 77, 81, 94-99, 154-155, 193-195, 203
Medical staff bylaws, 41, 65-66
Medicare, 5, 11, 14, 17, 43, 48-50, 62, 67, 87-92, 122-123, 138-139, 150, 206-207, 218. 220-221, 226-227
Meier, Conrad, 103-105, 155, 186, 216-217
Membership recruitment, 99, 118
Meyer, Delbert H., 10, 40, 70, 77-78, 114, 148, 190, 228
Military medicine, 164
Minnesota (State of), 113
Misinformation, 109, 153
Missouri (State of), 186
The Mitzvah (Zelman and Smith), 205
Moffit, Robert E., 9
Mycoplasmal infections, 172-175, 191



National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), 3, 202
National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), 16, 119-120, 203
National Education Association (NEA), 4
National Rifle Association (NRA), 45, 60-61, 79
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), 161, 167
Natural rights, 125-127, 177-178
Nazi Germany, 73-74, 132-135, 195, 208-210, 228
The New American, 199, 205, 209
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 6, 84, 97, 102, 177-178, 203, 209, 226-227
New Jersey (State of), 195-196, 206
New Oxford Review, 208-209
New York (State of), 11
Nicolson, Garth, 172-175, 191
Nixon, Richard Milhous, 19, 57
Norwood, Charlie, 7
Nuremberg code, 134-135



Oath of Hippocrates, 94, 171, 182-183
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 195
Ohio (State of), 155
Oregon (health policy), 226
Open data policy, 193
Organ donation, 89
Orient, Jane M., 2, 7, 59, 91, 118-199, 150, 154, 166-168
Orwell, George, 81, 201



Paralysis, 48, 167
Pasek, David, 43
Patient Bill of Rights, 219-220
Patient-doctor relationship, 60-61, 114, 182-183, 207
Paul, Ron, 90-92
Peer review, 11 (PRO), 80, 98, 193-195
Pellegrino, Edmund, 7, 114, 182-183
Physicians At Teaching Hospitals (PATH), 138-139
Pinochet, Augusto, 52-53
"Police State of Medicine," 79-80, 117, 120, 139
Poliomyelitis, 82
Population-based medicine, 146-147
Private contracting, 68-69, 91-92, 124, 150, 197-198, 207, 220-221
Property rights, 56-57, 222
Psychology/Psychiatry, 24-27, 65
Public health, 70, 100-102, 166-168200, 202



Quality-adjusted life year (QALY), 90



Rand, Ayn, 23, 178, 218
Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), 24, 64, 165
Rheumatoid diseases, 172-175
Richardson, Dawn, 186 (PROVE)
Right to health care, 125-127
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 6, 14, 113, 136-137
Robinson, Arthur, 109, 153
Rosenberg, Mark, 4, 202


Sabrin, Murray, 195-196
Safe sex, 44 (condoms)
Salsman, Michael, 218
Saving Childhood (Medved), 190
Scherzer, Joseph, 2, 73-74
Schizophrenia, 87
Schlafly, Andrew L., 5, 41-42, 49, 68-69, 77-78, 118, 195
Schlafly, Phyllis, 4, 86
Schlafly, Roger, 106-108
School-based clinics, 136-137
Sexual abuse, 199
Shambaugh, George, 62
Shelby, Richard, 193-195
Skowron, Ralph, 42
Smith, Thayer, 66, 155
Sobel, Robert, 40
Socialism, 33, 35, 128-130, 136-137, 177-178, 218
Socialized medicine, 96-97, 177-178, 218, 221
Sodaro, Edward, 65
Sonne, John, 24-27
Spaeth, George L., 33
Starr, Paul, 24
Stone, Sharon, 44
Story, Joseph, 19
Stroke, 48
Sullum, Jacob, 70, 100-102
Suter, Edgar, 6, 54, 79, 97



Targeting Guns (Kleck), 10
Taxes, 50, 58-59, 119, 153, 195-196
Teitel, Edward, 153
Terrell, Hilton, 31-33
Texas (State of), 7, 186, 203
Thomasma, David, 114, 182-183
Tiananmen Square, 53
Totalitarianism, 26, 73-74
Tyranny, 100-102



Uninsured, 9, 199, 216-217
Unions (physician), 163-164
United Nations (UN), 125-126, 177-178
United Seniors v. Shalala, 69, 220-221
Universal coverage, 199. See Right to Health Care



Vaccines, 6, 108, 162, 164, 166-168, 170, 186, 194-195
Vandals at the Gates of Medicine (Faria), 114, 201
Vazsonyi, Balint, 28-30
Velez-Ruiz, Wanda, 117, 195
Viruses, 82, 107



Waco, 203
The Wall Street Journal, 7, 44-45, 122, 195-196
Washington Times, 44, 53, 86
Waters, Robert, 205
Weaver, James P., 7, 17, 51, 93, 165
Weaver, Richard, 42-43
Weinberg, Stephen, 42
Welfare, 126-127, 145, 177, 185
Westbrock, David, 43
West Virginia (State of), 113
Weyers, Wolfgang, 73-74
Wheeler, Timothy, 6, 60-61, 95, 197
Whitehead, Alva, 146-147
Wood, James, 78-79



Y2K, 85, 183-184
Year of the Rat (Timperlake and Tripplett), 87,188-189
Your Doctor Is Not In (Orient), 150, 221



Zipper v. Health Midwest, 68